# This file is part of Pymepix
# In all scientific work using Pymepix, please reference it as
# A. F. Al-Refaie, M. Johny, J. Correa, D. Pennicard, P. Svihra, A. Nomerotski, S. Trippel, and J. Küpper:
# "PymePix: a python library for SPIDR readout of Timepix3", J. Inst. 14, P10003 (2019)
# https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/14/10/P10003
# https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.07999
# Pymepix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
# see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np
from pymepix.processing.logic.processing_step import ProcessingStep
class PixelOrientation(IntEnum):
"""Defines how row and col are intepreted in the output"""
Up = 0
"""Up is the default, x=column,y=row"""
Left = 1
"""x=row, y=-column"""
Down = 2
"""x=-column, y = -row """
Right = 3
"""x=-row, y=column"""
class PacketProcessor(ProcessingStep):
"""Class responsible to transform the raw data coming from the timepix directly into an easier
processible data format. Takes into account the pixel- and trigger data to calculate toa and tof
Process data and return the result. To use this class only this method should be used! Use the other methods only for testing or
if you are sure about what you are doing
def __init__(
event_window=(0.0, 10_000.0),
position_offset=(0, 0),
Constructor for the PacketProcessor.
handle_events : boolean
Calculate events (tof) only if handle_events is True. Otherwise only pixel-data (toa only) is provided.
event_window : (float, float)
The range of tof, used for processing data. Information/ data outside of this range is discarded.
min_samples : (float, float)
Offset/ shift of x- and y-position
orientation : int
start_time : int
Data for correction of the time-walk
parameter_wrapper_classe : ProcessingParameter
Class used to wrap the processing parameters to make them changable while processing is running (useful for online optimization)
super().__init__("PacketProcessor", *args, **kwargs)
self._handle_events = self.parameter_wrapper_class(handle_events)
event_window_min, event_window_max = event_window
self._event_window_min = self.parameter_wrapper_class(event_window_min)
self._event_window_max = self.parameter_wrapper_class(event_window_max)
self._orientation = orientation
self._x_offset, self._y_offset = position_offset
self._start_time = start_time
self._timewalk_lut = timewalk_lut
self._trigger_counter = 0
def event_window(self):
return (self._event_window_min.value, self._event_window_max.value)
def event_window(self, event_window):
event_window_min, event_window_max = event_window
self._event_window_min.value = event_window_min
self._event_window_max.value = event_window_max
def handle_events(self):
return self._handle_events.value
def handle_events(self, handle_events):
self._handle_events.value = handle_events
def process(self, data):
packet_view = memoryview(data)
packet = np.frombuffer(packet_view[:-8], dtype=np.uint64)
# needs to be an integer or "(ltime >> 28) & 0x3" fails
longtime = int(np.frombuffer(packet_view[-8:], dtype=np.uint64)[0])
event_data, pixel_data, timestamps, triggers = None, None, None, None
if len(packet) > 0:
trigger1_data = None
trigger2_data = None
header = ((packet & 0xF000000000000000) >> 60) & 0xF
subheader = ((packet & 0x0F00000000000000) >> 56) & 0xF
pixels = packet[np.logical_or(header == 0xA, header == 0xB)]
triggers1 = packet[
np.logical_or(header == 0x4, header == 0x6),
np.logical_or(subheader == 0xF, subheader == 0xA)
triggers2 = packet[
# sub headers for trigger identification
# TDC1 rising edge: 0xF falling edge: 0xA
# TDC2 rising edge: 0xE falling edge: 0xB
header == 0x6,
np.logical_or(subheader == 0xE, subheader == 0xB),
if triggers1.size > 0:
trigger1_front, trigger1_data = self.process_trigger1(np.int64(triggers1), longtime)
self._trigger_counter += trigger1_front.size
if triggers2.size > 0:
trigger2_data = self.process_trigger2(np.int64(triggers2), longtime)
if pixels.size > 0:
pixel_data = self.process_pixels(np.int64(pixels), longtime)
if self.handle_events:
result = self.find_events_fast()
if result is not None:
event_data, timestamps = result
triggers = [
return event_data, pixel_data, timestamps, triggers
def pre_process(self):
self.log.info("Running with triggers? {}".format(self.handle_events))
def post_process(self):
return self.find_events_fast_post()
def updateBuffers(self, val_filter):
self._x = self._x[val_filter]
self._y = self._y[val_filter]
self._toa = self._toa[val_filter]
self._tot = self._tot[val_filter]
def getBuffers(self, val_filter=None):
if val_filter is None:
return (
return (
def clearBuffers(self):
self._x = None
self._y = None
self._tot = None
self._toa = None
self._triggers = None
def process_trigger1(self, trig1_data, longtime):
subheader = ((trig1_data & 0x0F00000000000000) >> 56) & 0xF
# TDC1 rising edge: 0xF falling edge: 0xA
front_edge_type = subheader == 0xF
coarsetime = trig1_data >> 12 & 0xFFFFFFFF
coarsetime = self.correct_global_time(coarsetime, longtime)
tmpfine = (trig1_data >> 5) & 0xF
tmpfine = ((tmpfine - 1) << 9) // 12
trigtime_fine = (trig1_data & 0x0000000000000E00) | (tmpfine & 0x00000000000001FF)
time_unit = 25.0 / 4096
tdc_time = coarsetime * 25e-9 + trigtime_fine * time_unit * 1e-9
m_trigTime = tdc_time[front_edge_type]
tdc_time[front_edge_type == False] *= -1
if self.handle_events:
if self._triggers is None:
self._triggers = m_trigTime
self._triggers = np.append(self._triggers, m_trigTime)
return m_trigTime, tdc_time
def process_trigger2(self, trig2_data, longtime):
subheader = ((trig2_data & 0x0F00000000000000) >> 56) & 0xF
# TDC2 rising edge: 0xE falling edge: 0xB
edge_type = subheader == 0xE
coarsetime = trig2_data >> 12 & 0xFFFFFFFF
coarsetime = self.correct_global_time(coarsetime, longtime)
tmpfine = (trig2_data >> 5) & 0xF
tmpfine = ((tmpfine - 1) << 9) // 12
trigtime_fine = (trig2_data & 0x0000000000000E00) | (tmpfine & 0x00000000000001FF)
time_unit = 25.0 / 4096
tdc_time = coarsetime * 25e-9 + trigtime_fine * time_unit * 1e-9
tdc_time[edge_type == False] *= -1
# always look at it as abs, sign tells rising or falling edge
return tdc_time
def orientPixels(self, col, row):
"""Orient the pixels based on Timepix orientation"""
if self._orientation is PixelOrientation.Up:
return col, row
elif self._orientation is PixelOrientation.Left:
return row, 255 - col
elif self._orientation is PixelOrientation.Down:
return 255 - col, 255 - row
elif self._orientation is PixelOrientation.Right:
return 255 - row, col
def process_pixels(self, pixdata, longtime):
dcol = (pixdata & 0x0FE0000000000000) >> 52
spix = (pixdata & 0x001F800000000000) >> 45
pix = (pixdata & 0x0000700000000000) >> 44
col = dcol + pix // 4
row = spix + (pix & 0x3)
data = (pixdata & 0x00000FFFFFFF0000) >> 16
spidr_time = pixdata & 0x000000000000FFFF
ToA = (data & 0x0FFFC000) >> 14
FToA = data & 0xF
ToT = ((data & 0x00003FF0) >> 4) * 25
time_unit = 25.0 / 4096
ToA_coarse = self.correct_global_time((spidr_time << 14) | ToA, longtime) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
globalToA = (ToA_coarse << 12) - (FToA << 8)
globalToA += ((col // 2) % 16) << 8
globalToA[((col // 2) % 16) == 0] += 16 << 8
finalToA = globalToA * time_unit * 1e-9
if self._timewalk_lut is not None:
finalToA -= self._timewalk_lut[np.int_(ToT // 25) - 1] * 1e3
x, y = self.orientPixels(col, row)
x += self._x_offset
y += self._y_offset
if self.handle_events:
if self._x is None:
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._toa = finalToA
self._tot = ToT
self._x = np.append(self._x, x)
self._y = np.append(self._y, y)
self._toa = np.append(self._toa, finalToA)
self._tot = np.append(self._tot, ToT)
return x, y, finalToA, ToT
def correct_global_time(self, arr, ltime):
pixelbits = (arr >> 28) & 0x3
ltimebits = (ltime >> 28) & 0x3
# diff = (ltimebits - pixelbits).astype(np.int64)
# neg = (diff == 1) | (diff == -3)
# pos = (diff == -1) | (diff == 3)
# zero = (diff == 0) | (diff == 2)
# res = ( (ltime) & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr & 0x3FFFFFFF)
diff = (ltimebits - pixelbits).astype(np.int64)
globaltime = (ltime & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr & 0x3FFFFFFF)
neg_diff = (diff == 1) | (diff == -3)
globaltime[neg_diff] = ((ltime - 0x10000000) & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr[neg_diff] & 0x3FFFFFFF)
pos_diff = (diff == -1) | (diff == 3)
globaltime[pos_diff] = ((ltime + 0x10000000) & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr[pos_diff] & 0x3FFFFFFF)
# res[neg] = ( (ltime - 0x10000000) & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr[neg] & 0x3FFFFFFF)
# res[pos] = ( (ltime + 0x10000000) & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr[pos] & 0x3FFFFFFF)
# arr[zero] = ( (ltime) & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr[zero] & 0x3FFFFFFF)
# arr[zero] = ( (ltime) & 0xFFFFC0000000) | (arr[zero] & 0x3FFFFFFF)
return globaltime
def find_events_fast(self):
if self.__exist_enough_triggers():
self._triggers = self._triggers[np.argmin(self._triggers) :]
if self.__toa_is_not_empty():
# Get our start/end triggers to bin events accordingly
start = self._triggers
if start.size > 1:
trigger_counter = np.arange(
self._trigger_counter + start.size - 1,
self._trigger_counter = trigger_counter[-1] + 1
# end = self._triggers[1:-1:]
# Get the first and last triggers in pile
first_trigger = start[0]
last_trigger = start[-1]
# Delete useless pixels before the first trigger
self.updateBuffers(self._toa >= first_trigger)
# grab only pixels we care about
x, y, toa, tot = self.getBuffers(self._toa < last_trigger)
self.updateBuffers(self._toa >= last_trigger)
event_mapping = np.digitize(toa, start) - 1
except Exception as e:
self.log.error("Exception has occured {} due to ", str(e))
self.log.error("Writing output TOA {}".format(toa))
self.log.error("Writing triggers {}".format(start))
self.log.error("Flushing triggers!!!")
self._triggers = self._triggers[-1:]
return None
self._triggers = self._triggers[-1:]
tof = toa - start[event_mapping]
event_number = trigger_counter[event_mapping]
event_window_min, event_window_max = self.event_window
exp_filter = (tof >= event_window_min) & (tof <= event_window_max)
result = (
if result[0].size > 0:
event_triggers = start[np.unique(event_mapping)]
timeStamps = np.uint64(
event_triggers * 1e9 + self._start_time
) # timestamp in ns for trigger event
return result, (np.unique(result[0]), event_triggers, timeStamps)
return None # Clear out the triggers since they have nothing
def __exist_enough_triggers(self):
return self._triggers is not None and self._triggers.size >= 2
def __toa_is_not_empty(self):
return self._toa is not None and self._toa.size > 0
def find_events_fast_post(self):
"""Call this function at the very end of to also have the last two trigger events processed"""
# add an imaginary last trigger event after last pixel event for np.digitize to work
if self._toa is not None and self._toa.shape[0] > 0 and self._triggers is not None:
self._triggers = np.concatenate((self._triggers, np.array([self._toa.max() + 1])))
return None, None, None, None
event_data, timestamps = None, None
result = self.find_events_fast()
if result is not None:
event_data, timestamps = result
return event_data, None, timestamps, None