# This file is part of Pymepix
# In all scientific work using Pymepix, please reference it as
# A. F. Al-Refaie, M. Johny, J. Correa, D. Pennicard, P. Svihra, A. Nomerotski, S. Trippel, and J. Küpper:
# "PymePix: a python library for SPIDR readout of Timepix3", J. Inst. 14, P10003 (2019)
# https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/14/10/P10003
# https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.07999
# Pymepix is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not,
# see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as nd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from pymepix.clustering.cluster_stream import ClusterStream
from pymepix.processing.logic.processing_step import ProcessingStep
def calculate_centroids_properties(shot, x, y, tof, tot, labels, _cent_timewalk_lut):
Calculates the properties of the centroids from labeled data points.
ATTENTION! The order of the points can have an impact on the result due to errors in
the floating point arithmetics.
Very simple example:
arr = np.random.random(100)
arr.sum() - np.sort(arr).sum()
This example shows that there is a very small difference between the two sums. The inaccuracy of
floating point arithmetics can depend on the order of the values. Strongly simplified (3.2 + 3.4) + 2.7
and 3.2 + (3.4 + 2.7) can be unequal for floating point numbers.
Therefore there is no guarantee for strictly equal results. Even after sorting. The error we observed
can be about 10^-22 nano seconds.
Currently this is issue exists only for the TOF-column as the other columns are integer-based values.
label_index, cluster_size = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
tot_max = np.array(nd.maximum_position(tot, labels=labels, index=label_index)).flatten()
tot_sum = nd.sum(tot, labels=labels, index=label_index)
tot_mean = nd.mean(tot, labels=labels, index=label_index)
cluster_x = np.array(nd.sum(x * tot, labels=labels, index=label_index) / tot_sum).flatten()
cluster_y = np.array(nd.sum(y * tot, labels=labels, index=label_index) / tot_sum).flatten()
cluster_tof = np.array(nd.sum(tof * tot, labels=labels, index=label_index) / tot_sum).flatten()
cluster_totMax = tot[tot_max]
cluster_totAvg = tot_mean
cluster_shot = shot[tot_max]
if _cent_timewalk_lut is not None:
# cluster_tof -= self._timewalk_lut[(cluster_tot / 25).astype(np.int) - 1]
# cluster_tof *= 1e6
cluster_tof -= _cent_timewalk_lut[np.int_(cluster_totMax // 25) - 1] * 1e3
# cluster_tof *= 1e-6
return (
def calculate_centroids_dbscan(chunk, tot_threshold, _tof_scale, epsilon, min_samples, _cent_timewalk_lut):
shot, x, y, tof, tot = chunk
tot_filter = tot > tot_threshold
# Filter out pixels
shot = shot[tot_filter]
x = x[tot_filter]
y = y[tot_filter]
tof = tof[tot_filter]
tot = tot[tot_filter]
labels = perform_clustering_dbscan(shot, x, y, tof, _tof_scale, epsilon, min_samples)
label_filter = labels != 0
if labels is not None and labels[label_filter].size > 0:
return calculate_centroids_properties(
return None
class CentroidCalculator(ProcessingStep):
Class responsible for calculating centroids in timepix data. This includes the calculation
of the clusters first and the centroids. The data processed is not the direct raw data but the
data that has been processed by the PacketProcessor before (x, y, tof, tot).
Process data and return the result. To use this class only this method should be used! Use the other methods only for testing or
if you are sure about what you are doing
def __init__(
Constructor for the CentroidCalculator.
tot_threshold : int
Threshold applied before calculating the clusters. A higher threshold can lead to more clusters found in some cases.
epsilon : float
min_samples : int
triggers_processed : int
every triggers_processed trigger is used for the calculation. Increasing the value can speed up online processing if the
data rate is too high to process all triggers directly.
chunk_size_limit : int
Maximum size of the chunks to increase the performance of DBSCAN. Higher and Lower values might increase the runtime.
Data for correction of the time-walk
parameter_wrapper_classe : ProcessingParameter
Class used to wrap the processing parameters to make them changable while processing is running (useful for online optimization)
super().__init__(name="CentroidCalculator", *args, **kwargs)
self._epsilon = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("epsilon", 2.0))
self._min_samples = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("min_samples", 3))
self._tot_threshold = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("tot_threshold", 0))
self._triggers_processed = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("triggers_processed", 1))
self._cs_sensor_size = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("cs_sensor_size", 256))
self._cs_min_cluster_size = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("cs_min_cluster_size", 3))
self._cs_max_dist_tof = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("cs_max_dist_tof", 5e-8))
self._cs_tot_offset = self.parameter_wrapper_class(clustering_args.pop("cs_tot_offset", 0.5))
self._chunk_size_limit = clustering_args.pop("chunk_size_limit", 6_500)
self._tof_scale = 1.7e7
self._cent_timewalk_lut = cent_timewalk_lut
self._dbscan_clustering = self.parameter_wrapper_class(int(dbscan_clustering))
self.number_of_processes = number_of_processes
def epsilon(self):
return self._epsilon.value
def epsilon(self, epsilon):
self._epsilon.value = epsilon
def min_samples(self):
return self._min_samples.value
def min_samples(self, min_samples):
self._min_samples.value = min_samples
def tot_threshold(self):
"""Determines which time over threshold values to filter before centroiding
This is useful in reducing the computational time in centroiding and can filter out
return self._tot_threshold.value
def tot_threshold(self, tot_threshold):
self._tot_threshold.value = tot_threshold
def triggers_processed(self):
"""Setting for the number of packets skipped during processing. Every packet_skip packet is processed.
This means for a value of 1 every packet is processed. For 2 only every 2nd packet is processed."""
return self._triggers_processed.value
def triggers_processed(self, triggers_processed):
self._triggers_processed.value = triggers_processed
def cs_sensor_size(self):
"""Setting for the number of packets skipped during processing. Every packet_skip packet is processed.
This means for a value of 1 every packet is processed. For 2 only every 2nd packet is processed."""
return self._cs_sensor_size.value
def cs_sensor_size(self, cs_sensor_size):
self._cs_sensor_size.value = cs_sensor_size
def cs_min_cluster_size(self):
"""Setting the minimal cluster size in Cluster Streaming algorithm"""
return self._cs_min_cluster_size.value
def cs_min_cluster_size(self, cs_min_cluster_size):
self._cs_min_cluster_size.value = cs_min_cluster_size
def cs_max_dist_tof(self):
"""Setting the maximal ToF distance between the voxels belonging to the cluster in Cluster Streaming algorithm"""
return self._cs_max_dist_tof.value
def cs_max_dist_tof(self, cs_max_dist_tof):
self._cs_max_dist_tof.value = cs_max_dist_tof
def cs_tot_offset(self):
"""Setting the ToT ratio factor of the voxel to the ToT of previous voxel in Cluster Streaming algorithm.
Zero factor means ToT of prev. voxel should be larger. 0.5 factor means ToT of prev voxel could be high than
the half of the considered voxel"""
return self._cs_tot_offset.value
def cs_tot_offset(self, cs_tot_offset):
self._cs_tot_offset.value = cs_tot_offset
def dbscan_clustering(self):
return bool(self._dbscan_clustering.value)
def dbscan_clustering(self, dbscan_clustering):
self._dbscan_clustering.value = int(dbscan_clustering)
def process(self, data):
if data is None:
return None
if self.dbscan_clustering:
shot, x, y, tof, tot = self.__skip_triggers(*data)
chunks = self.__divide_into_chunks(shot, x, y, tof, tot)
centroids_in_chunks = self.perform_centroiding_dbscan(chunks)
chunks = self.cluster_stream_preprocess(*data)
centroids_in_chunks = self.perform_centroiding_cluster_stream(chunks)
return self.centroid_chunks_to_centroids(centroids_in_chunks)
def __skip_triggers(self, shot, x, y, tof, tot):
unique_shots = np.unique(shot)
selected_shots = unique_shots[:: self.triggers_processed]
mask = np.isin(shot, selected_shots)
return shot[mask], x[mask], y[mask], tof[mask], tot[mask]
def cluster_stream_preprocess(self, shot, x, y, tof, tot):
order = shot.argsort()
shot, x, y, tof, tot = shot[order], x[order], y[order], tof[order], tot[order]
_, unique_trig_nr_indices, unique_trig_nr_counts = np.unique(shot, return_index=True, return_counts=True)
shot, x, y, tof, tot = [np.split(arr, unique_trig_nr_indices[1:]) for arr in [shot, x, y, tof, tot]]
for i, sh in enumerate(shot):
sorting_indexes = np.lexsort((-tot[i], tof[i]))
x[i] = x[i][sorting_indexes]
y[i] = y[i][sorting_indexes]
tof[i] = tof[i][sorting_indexes]
tot[i] = tot[i][sorting_indexes]
chunks = []
for i in range(len(shot)):
chunks.append(np.vstack((shot[i], x[i], y[i], tof[i], tot[i])))
return chunks
def __divide_into_chunks(self, shot, x, y, tof, tot):
"""Reordering the voxels can have an impact on the clusterings result. See CentroidCalculator.perform_clustering
string doc for further information!"""
order = shot.argsort()
shot, x, y, tof, tot = shot[order], x[order], y[order], tof[order], tot[order]
split_indices = self.__calc_trig_chunks_split_indices(shot)
if len(split_indices) > 0:
shot, x, y, tof, tot = [np.split(arr, split_indices) for arr in [shot, x, y, tof, tot]]
chunks = []
for i in range(len(shot)):
chunks.append((shot[i], x[i], y[i], tof[i], tot[i]))
return chunks
return [(shot, x, y, tof, tot)]
def __calc_trig_chunks_split_indices(self, shot):
_, unique_trig_nr_indices, unique_trig_nr_counts = np.unique(shot, return_index=True, return_counts=True)
trigger_chunks = []
trigger_chunk_voxel_counter = 0
for index, unique_trig_nr_index in enumerate(unique_trig_nr_indices):
if trigger_chunk_voxel_counter < self._chunk_size_limit:
trigger_chunk_voxel_counter += unique_trig_nr_counts[index]
trigger_chunk_voxel_counter = unique_trig_nr_counts[index]
return trigger_chunks
def centroid_chunks_to_centroids(self, chunks):
# range(7) because the centroids have 7 dimensions: shot, x, y, tof, tot avg, tot max, cluster size
"""centroids = [[] for i in range(7)]
for chunk in list(chunks):
if chunk != None:
for index, coordinate in enumerate(chunk):
joined_chunks = list(filter(None, chunks))
if joined_chunks:
return np.concatenate(joined_chunks, axis=1)
return None
# return map(self.calculate_centroids_dbscan, chunks)
def calculate_centroids_dbscan(self, chunk):
shot, x, y, tof, tot = chunk
tot_filter = tot > self.tot_threshold
# Filter out pixels
shot = shot[tot_filter]
x = x[tot_filter]
y = y[tot_filter]
tof = tof[tot_filter]
tot = tot[tot_filter]
labels = self.perform_clustering_dbscan(shot, x, y, tof)
label_filter = labels != 0
if labels is not None and labels[label_filter].size > 0:
return self.calculate_centroids_properties(
return None
def calculate_centroids_cluster_stream(self, chunk):
labels = self.cstream.perform(np.transpose(chunk[1:, :]))
label_filter = labels != 0
shot, x, y, tof, tot = chunk
if labels is not None and labels[label_filter].size > 0:
return self.calculate_centroids_properties(
return None
class CentroidCalculatorPooled(CentroidCalculator):
Parallelized implementation of CentroidCalculator using mp.Pool for parallelization.
def __init__(self, number_of_processes=None, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._number_of_processes = number_of_processes
def pre_process(self):
self._pool = mp.Pool(self._number_of_processes)
return super().pre_process()
def post_process(self):
return super().post_process()
def __getstate__(self):
self_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
del self_dict["_pool"]
return self_dict